Impulse Amplifier

Impulse Amplifier: Massively increases projectile velocity, increases reload speed.


The net result seems to be that you get more out of less draw time. I.e. it improves the results of all shots that are not perfect-draw, like an acceleration of the Draw Time window right up until perfect draw without actually improving the overall Draw Time.

  • Impulse Amplifier increases the “velocity”/travel-distance of partially-drawn shots, but the draw time on Lightweights is so low that it’s hard to say how useful this is. You can notice this by standing high up, tapping your trigger and seeing how far the arrows travel. A minimally-drawn arrow will travel further with an Impulse Amplifier bow than otherwise.
  • Impulse Amplifier does not modify damage of precision hits at perfect draw.
  • Impulse Amplifier does not modify draw time.
  • Impulse Amplifier does not modify velocity on bows (there is no “velocity” stat to modify) so of course it must do something else 🙃
  • Impulse Amplifier does not modify reload (i.e. “time-to-ammo-from-shot”) as /u/gaywaddledee indicates elsewhere in this thread.

Rocket Launchers

  • If you’d like to see a direct visual comparison of Impulse Amplifier’s “massive” increase to Velocity, here you go. It certainly does… something 🙃
  • Impulse Amplifier is covered in Ehroar’s review of the new Rocket Launcher (and new perks it can roll). “It does not increase the damage of the impact or the explosion so this perk does not increase damage in any way."
  • From /u/_eits on Reddit:
    • Velocity: “Impulse Amplifier one took 1.15 seconds to hit the wall. One without it took 1.265 seconds. So, 10% faster."
    • Reload: “Impulse Amplifier was about 27% faster than normal (vs. Field Prep which was about 37% faster)."